On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 09:18 +0800, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> I've put my wccp2 code breakout into a new module in the sourceforge squid
> repository (under "wccp2d".)
> For now its "just" the squid wccp2.c with some glue to make it live outside
> of Squid. It uses libevent for its network IO.
> There's a TODO list there. The first two things to implement are running
> a shell script on router assignment/deletion (to bring up and tear down
> the GRE tunnels, for example, and to install the redirection rules to Squid)
> and negotiating per-router assignment and redirection.
> I'd love more help on this; god knows I've got enough on my plate already..

What IO load does this get? perhaps writing it in python or something
would be better overall?

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