Sorry for the rest, I lost private contact with Amos...

Amos, your server is filtering ours, and I can read, but no send you any
message... Could you check the list your servers are asking ? 

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: host[] said: 554
    Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using (in reply to RCPT TO command)

I had problems to send you it since my smtp server must be filtered on
 yours... I would never commit anything before you know it...

Answer me, as always, to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Mensaje original -----
De: "Rafael Martinez (Squid development)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fecha: Lunes, Septiembre 24, 2007 9:46 pm
Asunto: About SNMP IPv6
A: Amos Jeffries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Amos.
> As you can imagine, most I can do is try to understand your great
> effort. How is your pinger6 going ?
> I read your NOTES-IPV6 file, and I took an eye into SNMP subject...
> After inspecting the code, I saw there are no IP dependencies on
> sourcesunder snmplib/, but there are at least under
> src/,
> Regarding, I modified the code to deal with IPv6
> MIB values.
> I read somewhat about that and I did it according to standards...
> Don't stop watching the changes I may commit... It would be sad
> to disarrange the great
> you made... I think my change is OK.
> In a medium-term I will set-up an Squid Agent and a MRTG
> client-manager... But I'm not sure on how to setup the basic
> communitieson SQUID...I think they are populated automatically
> on snmpInit().
> By the way, you see in the code I'm forced to call the
> deprecated methods
>  GetInAddr(struct in_addr) and  GetInAddr(struct
> in6_addr). What about to refactoring
> the class IPaddress.h in such a way as Java does?
>  I mean: Make IPaddress a virtual class
> with a virtual method (bool IPAddr::GetRawAddr(void *addr,int *len))
> and let the derived ones to implement the method ? By the way,
> the virtual IPAddr would not have
> any content, only IPv4Addr and IPv6Addr...
> Waiting (and learning a lot) from you...
> > I have a whole list of things in the NOTES-IPv6 file (all the items
> > numbered 4.x).
> > Last weekend I started playing around with ICMPv6, looks like
> a pinger
> > re-write :-(.



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