On lör, 2007-10-06 at 09:23 -0600, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> Not sure how to interpret the "don't do that" and "great you are tidying
> this up" conflict :-). Should I start moving/merging things around? Is
> there a better plan?

Don't stop.

Have given it a whole 5 seconds though on what we need to make sense of
this and the conclusions are:

1. A separate place for development ideas/projects. This is not in
itself related to any specific version, used by all the same. One page
per idea.

2. RoadMap documents with the plans for upcoming version, linking to the
ideas above. One per major version.


Not sure it makes sense to try to maintain one document for 3.0, one for
3.1, one for 3.2 etc..

3. A page with suggested projects for new coders, linking to the ideas

4. A page with projects actively looking for sponsorships.

Suggested minimum template for an "Idea" page is


Short summary

Current status (idea / in progress / developer needed / sponsor wanted /
review / merged)

Estimated complexity/cost

In depth discussion


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