On Thu, 2007-11-08 at 14:04 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> >
> > Switched to soft warning mode to avoid aborting only because one is
> > adding a new https_port and have trouble getting the certificates right.
> > There is too many opportunities for error when setting up the
> > certificates, and having the proxy abort completely on "-k reconfigure"
> > due to a silly certificate error was not very nice..
> IMHO it should be that kind of soft-fail-safe for all the modules. So the
> ones that work will keep going on a production machine while the admin is
> emergency debugging config on the one that won't. Then a simple
> reconfigure can start it up.

... provided the admin actually notices the failure of the module that
did not start. And provided it is better to run a misconfigured Squid
than to run no Squid at all. Both assumptions may or may not be true,
depending on the admin and her environment.

I am guessing that the ideal solution would be a command-line option
that forces Squid to start when there are non-fatal configuration
problems. That solution would require a significant amount of work to be
complete, but starting walking in that direction is not difficult.

Thank you,


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