On Sat, Nov 17, 2007, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> >Whats unusual about it? Its one of the map tile servers.
> I was expecting to see 'dstdomain' in there.
> But I see you have corrected it now. :-)

Yah, sorry. Twas 2am, I was still busy trying to coax youtube's lighttpd
caching model to work (argh, how does the Keyhole server -and- their
lighttpd servers both freaking not do IMS? I don't quite understand it!
Well, I actually do, but thats the realm of conspiracy theories...)

But for now it works.

Is anyone on this list involved with content delivery at Google or Youtube?
I'd like to have a word or two with you before I change the default Squid
refresh patterns and unleash this stuff on an unsuspecting world.


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