
I may be crazy, but using squid's bugzilla with Firefox, I've noticed
some random behaviour.

Mark an attach as obsolete, go back to the bug in question (by clicking on
'back to bug XXXX' link), and the attach is not striped.  Reloading
shows it as obsolete.

Same thing happends when adding an attachment (it does not get listed
until I reload).

(this is not an expected behaviur, I believe).

I would swear that a patch got attached to another bug (this could me just me).

Sometimes, I got listed obsoleted attachments when adding a new one
in the 'Check each existing attachment made obsolete by your new attachment.'
And sometimes I only get listed non-obsoleted attachments.

Some times (and sometimes not), when trying to add an attachment to a bug, I
got 'The form is already used' (or similar, I don't recall the exact
error message).
I belive this was after adding an attachment to another bug.

Has anyone else noticed something like this?

Gonzalo A. Arana

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