Updated patch:


doZeroOnPush can't be private as it then seems to be inaccessible from


On Wed, Feb 06, 2008, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> Adrian,
>     A few comments regarding the nonzero patch you posted on IRC:
> http://www.creative.net.au/diffs/20080207-squid3-nonzero-buffers.diff
> First of all, it is a move in the right direction, of course. If you
> verified that it works, it can be committed as is. Here are a few
> nitpicks since you asked for comments:
> - Replace "dontZeroMe()" with "zeroOnPush(bool doIt)" because negative
> names are confusing and because we are not zeroing the object ("this" or
> "me"), but the memory we push into it.
> - Remove virtual from dontZeroMe(). Makes folks look hard for
> extensions, etc.
> - Make zeroBuffer private. Alternatively, make it public and remove the
> set method. Protected data members cause weird C++ problems,
> unfortunately.
> - Rename zeroBuffer to doZeroOnPush so that the association with the set
> method is clear and the purpose is more precise.
> - Remove memDataNonZero() if possible. It do nothing new and we need
> fewer globals.
> - Consider adding boolean aZeroOnPush parameter to memDataInit(), with
> false as the default value.
> Thank you,
> Alex.

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