Is this going to be a semi-regular event? I'd be interested in participating in the future, but need more lead time to arrange travel...


On 27/02/2008, at 7:35 AM, Robert Collins wrote:

I'm very happy to announce that Canonical are hosting a squid meetup in
London this coming Saturday and Sunday the 1st and 2nd of March. Any
*developers* (in the broad sense - folk doing
coding/testing/documenting/community support/) are very welcome to
attend. As it is a weekend and a security office building, you need to
contact me to arrange to come - just rocking up won't work :). We'll be
there all saturday and sunday through to mid-afternoon.

The Canonical London office is in Millbank Tower

So if you want to come by please drop me a mail.

For folk wanting a purely social meetup, I'm going to pick a reasonable
place to meet for food and (optionally) alcohol on Saturday evening -
I'll post details here mid-friday.


Mark Nottingham       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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