Hi Henrik,

At 12:59 13/03/2008, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 22:43 +0100, Guido Serassio wrote:

> This file comes from the original work of Romeo Anghelache.
> After some search, I have found the original one from Apache 1.3:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/httpd/branches/1.3.x/src/os/win32/readdir.c?view=markup
> If I remember right, the Apache License is not good for Squid.

Correct. The Apache license is GPL incompatible due to minor stupid
things, but still incompatible.

So we should find another one. May be that the version included into the MinGW runtime could be fine. I will test it, but I don't know when ...

> My final intention is to have all the code changes merged into
> STABLE/HEAD, but currently Squid 3.0 doesn't work at all on native
> Windows, so some heavy and separated development work is still need
> to fix all problems before any merge.

That's fine. Such work should be done in a short lived development
branch, and then merged upstream when it builds and runs, before the
Windows release.

> If this first step will be successful, and I'm not so sure about this
> positive result ...., then there will the IPv6 on Windows challenge ...

IPv6 on Windows is the same as above, but probably with more frequent
merges to trunk.

> I think that a more appropriate attribute for the Windows port is too
> easily broken ... :-(
> It's a very acrobatic piece of code .... :-)

I don't see how keeping a separate port branch helps that... it's more
of a sign that something needs redesign to support windows better.

Too much times something like this is happened:

- Update from CVS of my work dir
- Fix of build problems
- Commit of fixes
- Finished the little time that I have available for development, usually during weekend
- Hope to do some test/debug during the next weekend
- During the next week someone commit changes in the source
- Update from CVS of my work dir (again during weekend)
- Fix of NEW build problems
- Commit of fixes
- Finished again the little time that I have available for development just for fix NEW problems .....

This is very disappointing and is the reason because I like to have a separated branch ....

I think that the main problem here is that there is still only one Windows developer and this developer is not a full time developer: I'm mainly a consultant, not a developer.

What aspect of Windows do you see as the most fragile part?

The main problem is in the code that is touched from others developers.

- integrity of tha build/make/project files?

Not big problems here, usually the fix is add/remove a source file some the build project. But sometimes things was worse: i.e. the move from perl to awk for preprocessing.

- the socket/filedescriptor emulation?

Many times very big problems here, and also with proprietary IPC and IPv6 support. This is the section where currently Squid 3.0 is failing on Windows. I think that the forward port of the all 2.6+ related enhancements could help the Squid 3.0 Windows support.

- rename of open files

No problems here.

- windows specific support features (i.e. service code, dns registry
glue etc)

Usually not so big problems here, because all the code is in Windows specific sources.

- something else forgoten in the list above

Different C/C++ compiler not always compatible with gcc and a totally different run time library not based on glibc and not Posix compliant. And many times this is a very big problem, true for both Visual Studio and MinGW native environments.



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1           10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115
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