On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 13:24 +0900, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> Yes, but I think more thought needed to go into teaching the store
> about
> sparse objects (which the backend store hooks don't cover);

They don't yet, thats definitely true.

>  teaching the
> store about re-populating the memory cache (which is needed for range
> request
> processing -and- for general better performance);

Needed for more that fragements. Not needed any more for range requests
than any other.

>  is there any code to properly
> process range replies and spit stuff into the store.

Yes. http.cc had that last I looked. 

> As I said, a lot of it hasn't been done (I don't think 60% is a
> credible
> answer) and I think "handle range requests" is something that needs to
> be
> thought of as part of a squid internal planning/discussion rather than
> something seperate.

Well sure you can assess the amount of work done/to do differently. I
think that if I sat down to do it, it would be less work to go than I've
already put in on the outside of the store.


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