On Thu, 2008-03-20 at 06:09 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> loggerhead (/bzrview/) seems to have some problems. Any attemt to view
> changes of an individual file gives a server error. Viewing the commit
> logs, file annotations, revision changesets and also download of
> individual source files seem to work however..
> http://www.squid-cache.org/bzrview//squid3/trunk/changes?start_revid=henrik%40henriknordstrom.net-20080318122230-sia0s0f3cf18u1ju&file_id=access_log.cc-19970621083647-inx67188wqbz-1
> 500 Internal error
> Could not fetch changes
> Powered by CherryPy 2.2.1 

Indeed, there will be something in the logs. Probably due to the bzr
upgrade I did.

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