Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
On Fri, 2008-03-21 at 15:35 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:

While we are at it what about the text and links following the releases table.

  * The Pending bugs link might be useful for 2.x.

Maybe. We had that for 2.5, but I never found that link to give any
really meaningful results. But we also keep a list of the known
important bugs in the release notes..

I found it useful when I first encountered squid to quickly identify the bugs in my squid version.

* The fixed bugs list is getting so long is it still useful for the stable releases? changesets may show a better list of fixed major bugs.

Agreed. And the changesets links to relevant bug reports...

What about adding a link to the latest production releases page?

It's fine for me to make HEAD link to the latest STABLE release.


   v3/HEAD/make.sh errors with 'ls *.diff' no sch files.

The diffs has not yet been adjusted for bzr.

and there are no release notes made for head, so linking to them is useless.

There should be a template, with most sections "TO BE WRITTEN", and
filled in when the tree is branched.

Yes remove or yes not discuss?

Both. What release labels to acutally use and what they means is a
separate discussion from making the web site make sense.

Okay. Done.

It would mean removing the mention of "First PRE release" from the table. Which is probably a good idea to remove from that particular page IMHO.

Yes. It's quite irrelevant there.


Should we remove date columns from the "Development Versions" table at
I'd remove the 'planned release date' though in favour of a link to the RoadMap.




Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

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