On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 09:33 +1100, Robert Collins wrote:

> So, for changeset id, I suggest we use the revision id of the commit
> of
> a change to trunk.

How do I get a parseable log with revision id's?

I know how to get the revno, but not revid..

but revno is good enough.. 

>  bzr doesn't yet, but will soon, be able to report on
> 'has been backported' by the use of cherry pick merges. Beyond that bzr
> really has nothing build around this, but it looks like an interesting
> thing to build and have.


> I'd probably start with the cvs one but use bzr's superior facilities
> for obtaining changesets.

Ok. I'll plug in bzr as a replacement for cvsps in the scripts we have
for now. Next step is to move this online and add voting..


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