mån 2008-04-07 klockan 22:21 +0200 skrev Henrik Nordstrom:
> mån 2008-04-07 klockan 22:54 +0300 skrev Tsantilas Christos:
> > It is a strange  bug. I am able to reproduce it again and again only
> > while browsing wikipedia site and only if I have set the following debug
> > info:
> >   debug_options 26,9 85,9 33,9 87,9 44,9
> > If I change something in this line the bug disappeared. I can not get
> > good debug info :-(
> With those debug options I could reproduce the error by browsing
> wikipedia and then wait.. from what I can tell there was no new request
> being initiated which kind of rules out my earlier reasoning..

And now I can't again..

it looks like this bug isn't really that easy to reproduce..


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