Hi Henrik,

Sorry for the delayed response .... :-(

At 22:34 15/04/2008, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
tis 2008-04-15 klockan 20:30 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

> I cannot waste my very limited time trying to fix the development
> tools that I should use ..... :-(

My proposal if you find that you have time to work on Squid-3, ignoring
the tools problem:

Create an NT branch in the devel CVS repository, and do your Windows
port update work there, using the tools you are used to. There is no
problem to mirror Squid-3.0 in the devel cvs repository if you need.
Then submit changes to trunk / 3.0 when suitable.

When you get to the point that Squid-3 runs properly on Windows and it's
time for a release then we can revisit the tools & branch problem..
hopefully by then bzr has got it's act together, and we also have a
clearer view of things..

This could be a way.
But before, I like to focus on Squid 2 before the 2.7 release, hoping that in the meantime the bzr people will fix the problem

I like to run some Windows in-depth testing on 2.7 and to add a Windows specific port of the domain resolv.conf directive, I should have some time during the incoming week-end: In Italy the 25 April is Holiday.



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1           10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115
WWW: http://www.acmeconsulting.it/

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