We are now three weeks past the official published feature submission deadline. With only a handful of new prospects.

I'd like to freeze new features for 3.1 at the current TODO list plus those non-timelined items actively under development which can be timelined by April 30th.

Features which MAY still make it in if Alexey and Marin who are working on them (cc'd) can timeline them by 30th April:

  ACL Namespaces
  Quality of Service (ZPH patch for Squid-3)

I'd also like a status update on the remaining TODO list items please. Particulary the CppCodeFormat, due in a month ago.

Duane, Henrik: are we able to make 3.1.DEVEL0 the first weekend of May?

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

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