Robert Collins wrote:
On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 19:03 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
Here is a quick patch I think builds a clean squid.conf file for use

The gist of it is to build to shift the existing squid.conf.default to the name squid.conf.documented (anyone got a better one?) Then to generate a new squid.conf.default from that by pruning the comments and empty lines.

It's essentially what most of us experienced guys are doing anyway when we have to, but at install time for the newbies.

NP: haven't tested yet, just throwing up for comments.

yes yes yes yes yes :)


Well, I know your biased :-)

Oh, and I forgot to mention.

It also force-installs squid.conf.documented and squid.conf.default.
Assuming that squid.conf is the one user edits to be left untouched.

Such that users always have the most current *.documented version for their install, and the distribution maintainers can automate their stuff based on the clean most-current *.default (same arguments promoted for cachemgr.conf.default creation earlier by maintainers)

Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE4 or 3.0.STABLE8

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