
[I am not a subscriber to the dev list, so please CC me with any 
responses.  Thank you.]

I am playing with a 3.HEAD-20080820 build of Squid, to use it's support 
for IPv6.  It seems to be working well (maybe a little slow relative to 
v2.7S4, both on Linux) except for one irritation.  Given a site with 
both A and AAAA records, Squid always opts for the IPv4 connection.

It seems that a lot of predominantly-IPv6 sites also maintain an IPv4 
address, just so they can tell you to get on board with IPv6.  For 
sites with only AAAA records, Squid does a great job of getting the 
content to me.

Even the use of the square-bracket scheme (e.g.  
http://[www.kame.net]/ ) isn't enough to coax Squid into IPv6 land when 
a IPv4 address is also found by DNS look-up.

How can I instruct Squid to prefer the IPv6 address over an IPv4 


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