On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 17:43 +0200, Kinkie wrote:
> > I only have one question: how well does that release numbering model match
> > the other OSS projects using the same numbering system? We don't want to set
> > our own method and meaning when there is already a common way to get
> > confused with.
> The closest thing, having been adopted by some other projets, has been
> Linux's (now abandoned) "odd minor releases are devel, even minor
> releases are stable".

See, even Linux managed to abandon an odd naming scheme! We can do it
too. :-)

BTW, you may notice that we, ourselves, usually use devel/stable terms
when talking about releases (ours and others). We rarely tell somebody
"Oh, just wait for a PRE release or perhaps RC..."


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