On tor, 2008-09-25 at 23:36 +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Hmm, so rolling DEVEL + PRE + RC into one version called a.b.0.N
> Well, I'm a little doubtful but can't argue against that yet.

No, not quite.

There is no point of DEVEL releases in the current form of the
development cycle. So we skip those. The nightly snapshots is good
enough for that purpose.

PRE relesaes is the main needed release while trying to get the branch
in shape. These is the 3.1.0.N releases where N >= 1.

RC using the actual release version. The forst RC for 3.1 would be
3.1.1. And if fine (which it should be) this is the same tarball which
then gets promoted to "stable for production use".

If there is a problem with the RC then there is two choices. Either skip
the release number and number the "stable" release 3.1.2, or reroll
3.1.1. Which one depends on if the RC has been distributed. Quite often
RC level errors is detected immediately even before announcing it to

> Yes. Still worried that people are mixing the trunk/before 
> stable1/post-stable1 timespans and what can/can't be done.
> But will leave it and see what happens when we trial this.

This thread is only about numbering within a single "stable" branch.
It's separate from trunk policy.


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