fre 2008-11-28 klockan 11:46 +1100 skrev Mark Nottingham:
> From < 
> cache_peer.html>:
> > use 'htcp' to send HTCP, instead of ICP, queries to the neighbor.  
> > You probably also want to set the "icp port" to 4827 instead of  
> > 3130. You must also allow this Squid htcp_access and http_access in  
> > the peer Squid configuration.
> Is the "You probably want to set..." sentence still true? I.e., isn't  
> htcp_port enough?

It refers to the "icp" port in cache_peer.

htcp_port specifies the port where Squid listens for HTCP queries.

The "icp" port in cache_peer specifies the port number on the peer where
Squid will send queries.


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