2009/1/8 Alex Rousskov <rouss...@measurement-factory.com>:

> SMP support has been earmarked for Squid v3.2 but there is currently not
> enough resources to make it happen (AFAICT) so it may have to wait until
> v3.3 or later.
> FWIW, I think that multi-core scalability in many environments would not
> require another Squid rewrite, especially if initial support does not
> have to do better than running multiple Squids.

Well, people are already doing that where its suitable. Whats really
missing for those sorts of setups is a simple(!) storage-only backend
and some smarts in Squid to be able to push and pull stuff out of a
shared storage backend, rather than relaying through it.

The trouble, as I've found here, is if you're trying to aggregate a
bunch of forward proxy squid instances on one box through one backend
squid instance - all of a sudden you end up with lots of RAM wastage
and things die at high loads with all the duplicate data floating
around in socket buffers. :/


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