I'm a second year student at the Harvard Business School. Prior to coming
back to school for my MBA I was the co-founder of something called Project
Honey Pot (www.projecthoneypot.org). Project Honey Pot tracks malicious
behavior online. We work with law enforcement agencies worldwide and have
been instrumental in several of the high profile cases shutting down spam
gangs and other online criminals.

Generally, Project Honey Pot has operated as a public service project with
contributions from members in more than 120 countries around the world.
Talking with some of the entrepreneurial faculty around HBS I'm being coaxed
into believing that there's a potentially interesting and disruptive
business opportunity that could be spun off of the Project's data in order
to protect websites. They're very interested in making the introductions to
get this idea funded. Imagine something like a CDN for any website with the
benefits of advanced, threat-based firewall++ protection.

I've poked around with my technical team from Project Honey Pot as well as
some CS friends I have over at MIT. Squid has repeatedly come up as a
potential base platform onto which we could build the layers of the service.
I was wondering if in the process of managing the Squid development these
days you'd run across any talented, eager programmers who might be searching
for a startup opportunity that has significant backing, a large market
opportunity, and where they could play a meaningful role in growing a new
company. I'm agnostic as to geographic locations so long as the person is
talented and self-motivated.

If any names spring to mind, I hope you won't hesitate shooting them my way.

Best wishes,
Matthew Prince.

Email: matthew -at- mba2009 -dot- hbs -dot- edu

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