fre 2009-08-07 klockan 16:27 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:

> Huh? I think you misunderstand what these alias lists do.
> They are the seed maps for make install to generate such symlinks from.

Oh, I thougt we loaded them.. oh well.. probably we should but that's
another question.

> The upgrade from this will be to follow the RFC recommendation of 
> silently assuming xx-yy and xx-zzz-yy maps to xx, and falling back to 
> the first available such map if no more specifics exist in the entire 
> string.


> The nl, pt and zh cases are the only ones we have so far that require 
> the alias solution long-term. "Accept-Languages: pt-pt,pt-br" should not 
> have pt-br provided by default when pt is present for example. The zh-* 
> family is worst-case.

There is a couple of others as well where the base language is also
known by other codes. Not sure we have any however..


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