On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 04:05 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> sön 2009-08-16 klockan 10:23 +1000 skrev Robert Collins:
> > If the noise is too disturbing to folk we can investigate these... I
> > wouldn't want anyone to leave the list because of these reports.
> I would expect the number of reports to decline significantly as we
> learn to check commits better to avoid getting flamed in failed build
> reports an hour later.. combined with the filtering just applied which
> already reduced it to 1/6.
> But seriously, it would be a sad day if these reports becomes so
> frequent compared to other discussions that developers no longer would
> like to stay subscribed. We then have far more serious problems..

Discussion on this list can be quite sporadic, and its easy for build
message volume to be a significant overhead - at least thats my
experience in other projects - lists which have unintentional traffic
feel hard to deal with. This includes bug mail, build mail, automated
status reports and so on.

Secondly, I wager that many folk on this list are not regular committers
and are unlikely to hop up and fix a build failure; so its not really
the right balance for them to be hearing about failures.

I think it makes sense to have a dedicated list
(squild-bui...@squid-cache.org) for build status activity. I probably
won't be on it, for instance. (I prefer to track such data via rss feeds
- they don't grab my attention when I'm in the middle of something else,
but the data is there and I can still look at and fix things).


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