iamfromit wrote:
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I'd like to join the squid project and contribute some time/energy to
working on outstanding issues, mainly with ICAP support.  I'm no
expert programmer, but I'm motivated and this is interesting to me, so
I'll be working with other devs on the project to make sure I'm up to
standards and expectations.

I work for a major international insurance company and use several web
proxy products and ICAP implementations daily, and spend a lot of time
troubleshooting them since they don't all play nicely with ICAP RFC. I
think I have a great handle on ICAP as a protocol, and would like to
apply this experience back to the OS community where possible. I'm
sure I'll learn and find other areas that I am capable of contributing
to as well.

My sourceforge id is iamfromit


Jonathan Miller

Welcome Jonathan,

The devel site is a bit out of date there sorry. Squid-3 uses Bazaar (bzr) as its VCS so sourceforge is mostly used for Squid-2 stuff.

The new(er) developer guidelines are at:

Details on how to setup bzr and a local working environment are at:

The coding guidelines are at:

For ICAP Alex is the resident expert/mentor/coordinator. He is a bit busy at present so may not be readily available, but grab a copy of the code anyways and see if you can understand how the relevant bits work.

Feel free to jump on anything you see happening wrong. Just remember to mention anything that might take longer that a day to fix, so we don't have people doubling up on work. Reconciling differences in approach and style can be annoying for all involved.

Whenever you have something ready for submission, or even if you just want opinions post a patch or merge bundle here to squid-dev mailing list.

For stuff to practice on there is a list of general tasks anyone can do
http://wiki.squid-cache.org/RoadMap/Tasks though none of them approach the ICAP area yet.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
  Current Beta Squid

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