Hi Henrik,

> Odd... std::string::npos is declared as follows:
> namespace std;
> template<class _Elem,
>         class _Traits,
>         class _Ax>
>         class basic_string
>                 : public _String_val<_Elem, _Ax>
>         {
> public:
>          static const size_type npos;
> };
> template<class _Elem,
>         class _Traits,
>         class _Alloc>
>          const typename basic_string<_Elem, _Traits,
>                 basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc>::npos =
>                         (typename basic_string<_Elem, _Traits,
> _Alloc>::size_type)(-1);
> typedef basic_string<char, char_traits<char>, allocator<char> >
>         string;
> Maybe Visual Studio drops the const attribute when trying to convert
> value from "const std::string:size_type" to "const String::size_type"
> and gets lost somehow, even with the value as such being a simple
> integer..
> What does it say about the attached code? My attempt in isolating the
> String npos = std::string::npos code with as little change as possible
> (had to kill the char_traits thing as that used template syntax not
> accepted by G++ which slightly changes how size_type is declared)

It fails:

c:\work\vc_string\vs_string.cc(1) : error C2371: 'size_t' :
redefinition; different basic types
        c:\work\vc_string\vs_string.cc : see declaration of 'size_t'
c:\work\vc_string\vs_string.cc(34) : error C2057: expected constant

A comment to line 1 fixes only the first redefinition error.

Do you need the preprocessed source ?


Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1                10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135               Fax. : +39.011.9781115
Email: guido.seras...@acmeconsulting.it
WWW: http://www.acmeconsulting.it

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