On Thu, 2010-03-25 at 15:29 -0600, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> Sigh. I would rather not upgrade then. I do not know how to move from
> bzr 1.3 to bzr 2.0.x on Red Hat box that I have to use for some of the
> development, and I doubt somebody here would enjoy educating me on that
> process... Besides, even Ubuntu 9.10 only has bzr v2.0.2 by default.
> Thus, we would be cutting it pretty close to bleeding edge for many.

Yes, 2.0.0 was relatively recent.

> Bzr folks are very good at making lots of releases but the world is
> apparently incapable of moving with the same speed!

Well, we try to balance things; and we expect to stay with 2a for quite
some time as a default - probably several years, as we did with 1.0.

> > 2a is much more compact on disk, and faster across the board. But
> > everyone will need to upgrade their own repositories, which can take a
> > bit of time (or delete them and pull anew).
> If nothing else, this will require instruction on how to upgrade the
> everyone repositories. I can support the upgrade once those instructions
> work for me :-).



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