Henrik Nordström wrote:
tor 2010-04-29 klockan 15:53 -0430 skrev Robert Marcano:
I am attaching a patch for 3.0.x versions (I will forward port if there is interest and change recommendations). This patch adds a new option to Squid that allows it to forward the current authenticated user to the next proxy (or the HTTP server if that is what is wanted) via an HTTP header.

How does this differ from the already existing login=*:somesecret
cache_peer option? From your description it sounds like that may
actually be preferred as you then do not need to patch DG to support the
new header.


 3.0 is no longer supported for anything but serious security fixes
 3.1 is feature-frozen for production releases
 3.2 has true Negotiate/Kerberos login to peers already implemented

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.1

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