Henrik Nordström wrote:
sön 2010-05-02 klockan 14:31 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:

In particular do you mean requests? as in chunked POST/PUT bodies.
or responses to a request accepting chunks?

requests with a request entity sent using chunked encoding.

  - Expect handling not in place
You were the one who convinced me it was sufficient!

My error. Alex already enlightened me there.

At least, after porting the 2.7 remainders, which was done in 3.1.1.

2.7 do not enable 1.1 by default on either side.

I am not very comfortable with enabling 1.1 by default towards clients

  - 1xx can be handled & signalled properly

  - server version cache implemented, enabling us to gett rid of most
411 & 417 cases

  - forwarding of chunked requests supported, with optional time & size
limited buffer + dechunk done after access controls (not before as
today). Primarily to avoid most 411 conditions if the next hop is of
unknown version.


Sigh. Reverted from 3.1 and rolling 3.1.3 since Mandrivia and maybe Debian will be frozen with tomorrows release.

For now it's still in HEAD.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.1

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