On 05/22/2010 01:49 AM, Henrik Nordström wrote:
> fre 2010-05-21 klockan 20:52 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov:
>>> Pushed to launchpad:   lp:~yadi/squid/cleanup-comm
>> How can I review the changes as one patch without checking out your branch?
> Make sure you have an up to date copy of trunk, then from that run
>   bzr diff -r ancestor:. --new lp:~yadi/squid/cleanup-comm

I used this trick for the review. For the record, the diff includes
reversal of recent trunk changes but it is probably possible to avoid
that if the last branch merging point is known.

> but I recommend a checkout if you plan on reviewing the branch again
> later. It's fairly lightweight if using a shared repository with a
> lightweight checkout as I detailed in the Squid3VCS page.

Agreed. The lightweight procedure itself is not very lightweight and I
wanted something simpler like the trick you gave above.

On 05/22/2010 02:41 AM, Robert Collins wrote:
> What I do to review is usually 'bzr merge BRANCH'; bzr diff - and then
> eyeball. Thats roughly what a 'proposed merge' in launchpad will show
> too. You could do that as an alternative.

Noted. The merge command may produce conflicts that will not be
immediately visible in bzr diff, right?

Thank you both,


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