"Henrik Nordström" <hen...@henriknordstrom.net> wrote in message news:1275667169.12858.2.ca...@henriknordstrom.net...
fre 2010-06-04 klockan 00:19 +0100 skrev Markus Moeller:
What is the recommended way of doing it as I am adding a module which
requires library checks and I don't know always what function is best to
check on ?

A function you know is implemented by the named library.

That is a bit my problem. For example if I use heimdal kerberos libraries version 1.3.1 I need -lgssapi -lheimntlm -lkrb5 -lhx509 -lcom_err -lcrypto -lasn1 -lwind -lroken -lcrypt -ldl -lresolv -pthread
for older 0.7.2 I need
-lgssapi -lkrb5 -lasn1 -lcom_err -lcrypto -lroken -lcrypt -ldl -lresolv -pthread

but I have no idea for which function I have to test each library for. Luckily most platform use krb5-config to tell me which libraies I need, but for example OpenBSD doesn't.

Note: watch out for macros. Need to be a actual function.



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