Send chunked responses if body size is unknown.

Apply HTTP chunked transfer encoding to the response body if all of the following conditions are met:

* client claims HTTP version 1.1 or later support
* response does not have a Content-Length header already
* response does not use multipart/byteranges encoding
* connection is persistent

If we decide to send chunked reply, chunked_reply flag is set. Chunked encoding is done in ClientSocketContext::packChunk(). The last-chunk is sent only when clientReplyContext complete flag is set.


This feature was requested to make Squid work with HTTP/1.1 clients that can handle chunked responses but cannot handle connection closures in the middle of a transaction sequence. The earlier version of the patch (for Squid v3.1) was tested in production.

N.B. A bug in Squid may result in server-side code not treating premature server-side connection termination as an error. That bug results in Squid client-side sending a complete chunked response to the client instead of omitting the last-chunk to indicate a truncated response. Fixing that bug is outside this project scope (but we might have a patch for it somewhere, I need to check).

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