On 23/09/2010, at 9:47 AM, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>     Let's assume the above is correct and Squid satisfied the no-store 
> request from the cache. Should Squid purge the cached response afterwards?
> If Squid does not purge, the next regular request will get the same 
> cached response as the no-store request got, kind of violating the "MUST NOT 
> store any response to it" no-store requirement.

Sort of, but not really. I agree this could be worded better; we'll work on it.

> If Squid purges, it is kind of silly because earlier requests could have 
> gotten the same "sensitive" information before the no-store request came and 
> declared the already cached information "sensitive".


This has been discussed in the WG before (can't remember the ref); basically, 
it boiled down to each request being independent; you don't want requests 
affecting other ones (beyond anything, it's a security issue if you allow 
clients to purge your cache indescriminantly). 

Mark Nottingham       m...@yahoo-inc.com

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