On Sat, 2011-10-01 at 15:51 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>  When the LOGIN/LOGOUT ACLs are tested they perform their action on the 
>  session state. The ACLs leading up to them have to be crafted to avoid 
>  testing them at all unless you want LOGIN/LOGOUT to happen on that 
>  request....

Thanks, I've kind-of got that working, and will update the wiki in due

However, I'm now having problems with multiple instances of the session
helper writing to the same database. I thought I had fixed this with the
->sync option, but it appears not. If I open multiple instances of
ext_session_acl in terminal windows on the same database, then I do not
get consistent results between each process. If I do a "LOGIN" on one,
then I can still get "No session available" on the other. Any ideas why
this might be? Is it a bug with db-185? Debugging shows that the key
does not exist in the second process, despite having been written in the

I also found another bug with the session helper when used in active
mode (which might have been created by me). I'll submit a patch once
I've got a way ahead with the DB.


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