On 6/11/2011 1:39 p.m., Andrew Beverley wrote:

I am using the ACL feature whereby the parameters can be read from a
file. For example:

acl session_day time "/var/www/announce_days.txt"

Understandably, the file only appears to be read when the configuration
file is parsed, rather than each time the ACL is checked. However, I
need it to be checked more often, as I have a system configuration
interface that writes a day of the week to the file, which subsequently
causes a splash page to be shown on a particular day. I would like
configuration to be done without having to reload the Squid
configuration file.

Would any consideration be given to a patch to check the ACL file more
often? Could/should it be an extra configuration option to check the
file each request? I appreciate that this would come with a greater
overhead. Is there a better way to achieve this?

A better way currently available would be to use an external_acl helper to read and response OK/FAIL. You probably want to pass something relatively static (%PROTO or %METHOD) as the ACL format to reduce the overheads. With time calculations vs "now" you can ignore the actual input format.

Or the cache manager interface for POSTing in live configuration updates which Aurthur T. is working on may be worth looking into.


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