Amos Jeffries wrote:
On 14.03.2012 15:16, Henrik Nordström wrote:
ons 2012-03-14 klockan 14:18 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:

huh? it says exactly what protocol the tunnel is intended to contain
(switch to).

On GET/OPTIONS yes, but only for the transport, not tunnel.

You can use Upgrade on CONNECT as well if you want. But it's for the
client<->proxy only and says nothing about the contents of the tunnel
requested by CONNECT.

Upgrade: TLS/1.0
Connection: Upgrade

instructs the proxy that the client wishes to have the client<->proxy
connection wrapped in TLS/1.0. If the proxy agrees it sends a HTTP/1.1
101 Switching Protol response and any further communication from that
point is wrapped in SSL client<->proxy, without changing the tunnel (it
may still be SSH, IMAP, SMTP or whatever).

Telling us a bump is needed to find out more.

The *inverse* of this is what I'm saying is significant. When TLS is *not* present its clearly not going to be something we can ssl-bump. Therefore skip the bumping and don't interfere.

The existence of SSL/TLS does not suffice for making a conclusion.
The tunnel can be used for SSL+SMTP, SSL+XMPP, SSL+anything.

I think Squid should do the following in the sslBump handler:

- Open socket. If error, close socket to the browser.
- possibly: go to the filters indicating the start of a CONNECT, a filter may 
decide to BLOCK just based on the endpoint address.
- Initiate SSL/TLS handshake, if error, signal filters (preferably indicating 
there is no SSL/TLS)
  If the filter says "PASS", reopen a socket to have a clean tunnel
- If the SSL/TLS handshake is ok, do the certificate checking. If error, send 
an erroneous certificate to the browser to give the end user a good idea of 
what is going on.
- Verify that the server speaks SSL+HTTP, if not signal filters (preferably 
indicating there is SSL/TLS but no HTTP)
- If the endpoint speaks SSL+HTTP, go to the filters, indicating a succesful 
CONNECT to an SSL+HTTP endpoint.

For a bit of perspective: We could take a GET with Upgrade:, send it
unchanged to a peer and treat the resulting TCP connection as an
Upgraded tunnel over which native X traffic happens. No different to
handling a CONNECT today.

Clients may only send Upgrade together with Connection: Upgrade as it's
a hop-by-hop directive, so any proxying of the directive would
technically be a protocol violation.

We are asking an HTTP peer to Upgrade its hop. We have not sent acceptance to the client, and will relay the peers reject/accept. No violation there. We just loose control of a HTTP connection by trying is all.


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