On 3/09/2012 9:31 p.m., Kinkie wrote:
* including src/Debugs.h from an includes/ file is a dependency problem
waiting to happen. Please move Range.h to src/base/Range.h if the Debugs.h
is actually a required include.
Turns out Debug.h inclusion wasn't really needed.

src/HttpHeader.h, src/HttpHeaderTools.cc, src/HttpHeaderTools.h,
src/WinSvc.h, src/peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h, src/snmp_core.h,
src/store_rebuild.h, src/tests/stub_ipc.cc, src/win32.h:
* adding useless double empty lines.

src/structs.h, src/typedefs.h:
* leaving double empty lines, please remove one of those along with the list
node structure.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

You removed the structure code lines but left empty line which was before it AND line which was after it. Resulting in a new double-empty existing.

I've blanket-removed double-empty lines.

* the comment before #incldue tools.h, about tools functions defined in
protos.h is now bogus. please remove.

It would seem your branch merge point is not up to date past the empty-lines
removal that was done on trunk. There area a few chunks indicating empty
line removal when the doubled line does not exist on current trunk. The
login= handling change in src/http.cc as well is also out of sync. You will
need to re-test after these updates.
You're right, sorry. Merge point updated.

Updated bundle attached; thanks

+1. this one looks better.

If it is easy please commit the $Id$ changes separately so we get a cleaner protos.h change patch. But this is just wishful thinking, if its not easy you have my +1 for go-ahead anyway.


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