I'm reading some code (will take a while) to maybe get a functional store_url_rewrite for squid3+.

Actually i was thinking about it a lot and the process should be very simple:
use some stdin+stdout like for url_rewrite interface for starter.
i think this is can be done pretty fast if someone knows the current code.
it's kind of replicate the url_rewrite and change all the directives names from url_rewrite to store_url_rewrite and let someone write the functions.

how is this as a starter to maybe make it work?

It should be done before the request is being done and i think that before url_rewrite helper.

the next step after that is to take the "to be cached" entry and change the the key of the stored object. as it will be stored at in the cache and not like the old store_url_rewrite that was saved in a formart of old+new url.

how about just start with the basics of putting the whole redirector as in with store_url_rewrite?

how hard can it be?


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il

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