On 11/27/2012 06:44 AM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
> On 11/27/2012 8:25 AM, Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> On 11/26/2012 07:44 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
>>> I tried to build squid 3.2.3 on fedora 17 x64 and got an error.
> <SNIP>
>>> So it's something with the crtd code but I am unable to understand the
>>> meaning of it.
>>> Without the ssl-crtd there is not a problem in compilation.
>>> Is it a dependency ? or a code problem?
>> Maybe related to bug 3232:
>> http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3232
>> What is your OpenSSL version?
>> Alex.
> Thanks Alex,
> Yes indeed that is the problem with fedora.
> What solved the problem was updating openssl and the dependencies.
> I upgraded using the RPM's from fedora 19 which will be installed fine
> manually and not from 17 repository.
> The packages I needed to install openSSL 1.0.1c are:
> glibc-2.16.90-28.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> glibc-headers-2.16.90-28.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> openssl-libs-1.0.1c-8.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> glibc-common-2.16.90-28.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> openssl-1.0.1c-8.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> glibc-devel-2.16.90-28.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> openssl-devel-1.0.1c-8.fc19.x86_64.rpm
> Hope it will help someone

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