Updated patch attached for review.

On 27/11/2012 9:10 a.m., Alex Rousskov wrote:
On 11/24/2012 08:27 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

This stage of the helper reply protocol adds kv-pair support to the
url_rewrite_helper interfacefor URL redirect and rewriteoperations.

It uses the new Notes objects and kv-pair field added by the stage 2
helper protocol instead of parsing the 'other' field.

The response syntax for URL helpers becomes:
   [channel-ID SP ] result [ SP kv-pair ... ] [ SP other] EOL

* 'other' field is now deprecated and will be ignored/discarded on any
response containing a result code field.

When result code "OK" is presented by the helper several kv-pairs are
reserved to control Squid actions:

* "rewrite-url=" is added to return a re-written URL.
  - When this key is presented the URL is re-written to the new one by
Squid without client interaction.
  - The 'url' keys presence will override this key.

* "url=" is added to return the redirected-to URL.
  - When this key name is presented an HTTP redirect response is
generated for the client.
  - This keys presence overrides the 'rewrite-url' key actions.

* "status=" is added to hold the HTTP status code for use in redirect
  - This field is optional and status is no longer required for marking
redirect actions.
  - If no redirect status is provided Squid will assign one (currently
the default is 302, that may change in the future).
  - This key is only relevant when 'url' key is also presented. In all
other uses it is currently ignored.
When result codes BH or ERR are presented by the helper no redirect or
rewrite action is performed and no kv-pair key names are reserved for
use at this time.
but any key=value pairs in a BH or ERR response are still parsed into
notes and can be logged, right?


Can we tell folks which key names are guaranteed not to clash with
future Squid key names? For example, we can say that no Squid-supported
key name will end with "_". Or we could recommend using helper-specific
prefixes for custom key names instead.

Done with stage-2 in the wiki protocol documentation.

N.B. We should not disclaim using X-* names because some of those (e.g.,
X-Client-Username) are a de facto standard and might be used by Squid
here eventually.

Please note that helper annotations will _not_ be sent to adaptation

K. Added to the commit message.

Any other keys MAY be sent on any response. The URL helper interface
makes no other use of them, but this patch does pass them on to the ALE
object for logging as transaction Notes. All kv-pairs returned by the
helper (including the url, stauts rewrite-url keys) are available for
logging via the %{...}note log format option.
What about the "note" ACL? Can it be used to match against
helper-provided annotations? Or will the helper annotations be
inaccessible to it? Please document one way or another.

If the note ACL will not work for helper annotations, we may need
"stage4". It may be better to fix that now instead, but that is your
call provided you will make it work.

ACLs can access them from the HttpRequest object at any point after being added by the helper response. 'note' ACL is no exception when you get around to adding it.

+    switch(reply.result) {
+    case HelperReply::Unknown:
+    case HelperReply::TT:
+        debugs(85, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: URL rewrite helper returned invalid result 
code. Wrong helper? " << reply);
+        break;
Please add a debugs() line to print reply.result before the above switch
unless we print that elsewhere already. Not all cases inside the switch
have debugs() lines so it would be nice to know what the switch value was.
The full reply object {result,notes{...},other()} is being displayed at level 85,5 at the top of the function.

+        debugs(85, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: URL rewrite helper: " << reply);
Please add "redirect_fail_count" value to the above debug line or add a
new debug line for it. It seems critical in understanding what would
happen after the error.

Done. Suffixed ", attempt 1 of 2" / ", attempt 2 of 2"

+// XXX update to handle the new format responses...
+// #1: redirect with a specific status code    OK status=NNN url="..."
+// #2: redirect with a default status code     OK url="..."
+// #3: re-write the URL                        OK rewrite-url="..."
based on the patch description, the above is already implemented, no?
Ah yes. Moved into OK case as documentation there.

+                char * result = 
+                status = (http_status) atoi(result);
Please make result constant if possible.

+                char * result = const_cast<char*>(reply.other().content());
+                http_status status = (http_status) atoi(result);
Please make both result and status constant if possible.


+                char * result = 
+                http->redirect.location = 
+            if (urlNote != NULL && strcmp(urlNote->values[0]->value.termedBuf(), 
http->uri)) {
xstrdup() calls exit() on NULL strings. strcmp() might dump core. The
above lines may assume that termedBuf() never returns NULL. Please
double check that "value" member cannot be an "undefined" String in
these contexts. It is probably prudent to check for that centrally, when
parsing annotations, if we are going to rely on that -- refuse to add
undefined Strings to annotation values.
Fixed with use of the stage-2 firstValue() accessor which guarantees "" at minimum.

+    Notes metaNotes;         // collection of meta notes associated with this 
I find it ironic that you insisted on renaming "meta headers" but are
now adding "meta notes" :-). Please consider using "notes" or
"annotations" instead. The annotations are already "meta".
This linking of notes into HttpRequest was one of the reasons I insisted on removing the 'headers' part of the naming. It would have been hell tracking the difference between mimeHeaders and metaHeaders and virginHeaders and adaptedHeaders. I never had anything against the 'meta' part other than it looked weird on the other type name choices.

Renamed to "helperNotes" for now to clarify they are notes from the helpers.

The description seem to imply that metaNotes contains all annotations
associated with this request, but I do not think this is true because
some annotations are stored elsewhere. This is messy so let's document
exactly which annotations are using this particular storage (I think it
is currently used just for helper annotations, right?).
It *will* contain all the notes from all the helpers - when I get around to altering the other helpers. But this sponsor had specific target requirements and a short timeframe I did not get to make the same update on the other interfaces code (yet).

Finally, I am concerned that we are adding Notes to all HttpRequests
when most HttpRequest objects do not need annotations. Currently, Notes
are implemented using Vector<> which has low performance overhead when
unused. I am worried that if we later replace Vector<> with std::vector
or similar, the inclusion of Notes will cause a performance hit. What do
you think? Should we use a pointer to Notes here instead?

I was hoping to avoide all the extra checking pointers need and the duplicated if-NULL-allocate each helepr interface will need to perform. But I see your point. Changed to a Notes*.

+     * Adds a set of notes from another notes list to this set.
+     * Create any new keys needed.
+     * If the key name already exists in list, add the given value to its set 
of values.
+     */
+    void add(const Notes &src);
Please polish the description to indicate that pointers to src notes
and/or pointers to individual note values are added. Modifying src after
add() may change the added notes as well!

And vice versa.
I have dropped the new-key import so that future merges of other helper values for the key does not alter the original src objects key. But the values inside the keys seem to be safe enough to leave as references and save a bit on memory. More on that below...

+    uint8_t redirect_fail_count;
New member missing a doxygen description.


--- src/HttpRequest.cc  2012-10-27 00:13:19 +0000
+++ src/HttpRequest.cc  2012-11-24 14:55:43 +0000
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
      peer_domain = NULL;               // not allocated/deallocated by this 
      vary_headers = NULL;
      myportname = null_string;
+    metaNotes.clean();
      tag = null_string;
HttpRequest::init() does not need to call clean() but
HttpRequest::clean() does!
Resolved the particular issue with move to pointer. Adding a delete to HttpRequest::clean() and NULL-initialize to the constructors to resolve the logic flaw.

@@ -221,6 +222,7 @@
      // XXX: what to do with copy->peer_domain?
copy->myportname = myportname;
+    copy->metaNotes.notes = metaNotes.notes;
      copy->tag = tag;
  #if USE_AUTH
      copy->extacl_user = extacl_user;
Hm.. The generated Notes assignment operator will not really clone
individual notes inside the "notes" vector/array. It will just copy
pointers to them. Is that OK because we never modify a Note? I am not so
sure. Perhaps an older Note will be modified when the "note" directive
is checked, affecting cloned requests that should be independent from
it? Should we prohibit Notes assignment and add an explicit
Notes::clone() method that is guaranteed to clone Notes rather than copy
their pointers?

If you think there is a case against retaining this memory linking I can add a Notes::clone()? But AFAICS there is no existing need for it (maybe in future ...).

Notes are read/append-only by design. No write/alter for existing values. So I don't see any issue here. The most I expect we will do is erase Note::Pointer linkages to a particular request object. And not even doing that specifically yet.

The model is that each HttpRequest down the transaction chain inherits from the one it was cloned from a set of read/append-only notes. Any helper or ACLs called may read some notes for their parameters and append new notes until the last post-adaptation HttpRequest object at the end of the transaction moves the whole set into ALE for logging.

The keys might have been altered later to add new values, I have replaced that copy/reference with new(). But the values themselves are read-only, so seem to be sfae enough and I have left as a refcounted pointer copy.

+                    char *t = NULL;
+                    if ((t = strchr(result, ':')) != NULL) {
This can be merged into one line and simplified. You may also be able to
declare "t" constant.

   if (const char * t = strchr(result, ':')) { ...


revno: 12349
committer: Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>
branch nick: helpers
timestamp: Sat 2012-12-01 00:08:47 +1300
  Add kv-pir support to url_rewrite_helper interface
  This stage of the helper reply protocol adds kv-pair support to the
  url_rewrite_helper interfacefor URL redirect and rewrite operations.
  It uses the new Notes objects and kv-pair field added by the stage 2
  helper protocol instead of parsing the 'other' field. Although,
  the 'other' field is still parsed when *no* result field is received
  for backward compatibility with older helpers.
  The response syntax for URL helpers becomes:
    [channel-ID SP] result [SP kv-pair ...] [SP other] EOL
  NP: 'other' field is now deprecated and will be ignored/discarded on any
    response containing a result code field.
  When result code "OK" is presented by the helper several kv-pairs are
  reserved to control Squid actions:
  * "rewrite-url=" is added to return a re-written URL.
   - When this key is presented the URL is re-written to the new one by
     Squid without client interaction.
   - The 'url' keys presence will override this key.
  * "url=" is added to return the redirected-to URL.
   - When this key name is presented an HTTP redirect response is generated
     for the client.
   - This keys presence overrides the 'rewrite-url' key actions.
  * "status=" is added to hold the HTTP status code for use in redirect
   - This field is optional and status is no longer required for marking
     redirect actions.
   - If no redirect status is provided Squid will assign one (currently the
     default is 302, that may change in the future).
   - This key is only relevant when 'url' key is also presented. In all
     other uses it is currently ignored.
  When result codes BH or ERR are presented by the helper no redirect or
  rewrite action is performed and no kv-pair key names are reserved for use
  at this time.
  Any other keys MAY be sent on any response. The URL helper interface
  makes no other use of them, but this patch does pass them on to the ALE
  object for logging as transaction Notes. All kv-pairs returned by the
  helper (including the url, stauts rewrite-url keys) are available for
  logging via the %{...}note log format option.
  As with changes to other helpers interfaces in earlier updates, only
  the first value presented for any of the reserved kv-pairs is used.
  Multiple values are accepted as notes, but otherwise ignored by Squid and
  do not affect the transaction outcome.
  Additionally, when the BH result code is received from the helper a
  simple recovery is attempted. The lookup request will be re-scheduled (up
  to once) in an attempt to find a better responding helper.
  NOTE: Helper notes are *not* passe to adaptation interfaces.
   - REQMOD adaptation happens before URL helpers are used.
   - REPMOD adaptation may at some point receive them, but that change is
     not done by this update.
   This update was sponsored by Edgewave.
=== modified file 'src/AccessLogEntry.h'
--- src/AccessLogEntry.h        2012-10-29 04:59:58 +0000
+++ src/AccessLogEntry.h        2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -231,7 +231,9 @@
     HttpReply *reply;
     HttpRequest *request; //< virgin HTTP request
     HttpRequest *adapted_request; //< HTTP request after adaptation and 
-    /// key:value pairs set by note and adaptation_meta
+    /// key:value pairs set by note and adaptation_meta directives
+    /// plus key=value pairs returned from URL rewrite/redirect helper
     NotePairs notes;

=== modified file 'src/ClientRequestContext.h'
--- src/ClientRequestContext.h  2012-11-04 12:27:49 +0000
+++ src/ClientRequestContext.h  2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -56,6 +56,14 @@
     ACLChecklist *acl_checklist;        /* need ptr back so we can unreg if 
needed */
     int redirect_state;
+    /**
+     * URL-rewrite/redirect helper may return BH for internal errors.
+     * We attempt to recover by trying the lookup again, but limit the
+     * number of retries to prevent lag and lockups.
+     * This tracks the number of previous failures for the current context.
+     */
+    uint8_t redirect_fail_count;
     bool host_header_verify_done;
     bool http_access_done;
     bool adapted_http_access_done;

=== modified file 'src/HttpRequest.cc'
--- src/HttpRequest.cc  2012-10-27 00:13:19 +0000
+++ src/HttpRequest.cc  2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@
-HttpRequest::HttpRequest(const HttpRequestMethod& aMethod, AnyP::ProtocolType 
aProtocol, const char *aUrlpath) : HttpMsg(hoRequest)
+HttpRequest::HttpRequest(const HttpRequestMethod& aMethod, AnyP::ProtocolType 
aProtocol, const char *aUrlpath) :
+        HttpMsg(hoRequest),
+        helperNotes(NULL)
     static unsigned int id = 1;
     debugs(93,7, HERE << "constructed, this=" << this << " id=" << ++id);
@@ -163,6 +165,11 @@
+    if (!helperNotes) {
+        delete helperNotes;
+        helperNotes = NULL;
+    }
@@ -221,6 +228,10 @@
     // XXX: what to do with copy->peer_domain?
     copy->myportname = myportname;
+    if (helperNotes) {
+        copy->helperNotes = new Notes;
+        copy->helperNotes->notes = helperNotes->notes;
+    }
     copy->tag = tag;
     copy->extacl_user = extacl_user;

=== modified file 'src/HttpRequest.h'
--- src/HttpRequest.h   2012-10-26 11:36:45 +0000
+++ src/HttpRequest.h   2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include "HierarchyLogEntry.h"
 #include "HttpMsg.h"
 #include "HttpRequestMethod.h"
+#include "Notes.h"
 #include "RequestFlags.h"
@@ -199,6 +200,8 @@
     String myportname; // Internal tag name= value from port this requests 
arrived in.
+    Notes *helperNotes;         // collection of meta notes associated with 
this request.
     String tag;                        /* Internal tag for this request */
     String extacl_user;                /* User name returned by extacl lookup 

=== modified file 'src/Notes.cc'
--- src/Notes.cc        2012-11-27 21:19:46 +0000
+++ src/Notes.cc        2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -102,6 +102,30 @@
     return note;
+Notes::add(const Notes &src)
+    typedef Notes::NotesList::const_iterator AMLI;
+    typedef Note::Values::iterator VLI;
+    for (AMLI i = src.notes.begin(); i != src.notes.end(); ++i) {
+        // ensure we have a key by that name to fill out values for...
+        // NP: not sharing pointers at the key level since merging other 
+        // details later would affect this src objects keys, which is a bad 
+        Note::Pointer ourKey = add((*i)->key);
+        // known key names, merge the values lists...
+        for (VLI v = (*i)->values.begin(); v != (*i)->values.end(); ++v ) {
+            // 2012-11-29: values are read-only and Pointer can safely be 
+            // for now we share pointers to save memory and gain speed.
+            // If that ever ceases to be true, convert this to a full copy.
+            ourKey->values.push_back(*v);
+            // TODO: prune/skip duplicates ?
+        }
+    }
 Notes::parse(ConfigParser &parser)

=== modified file 'src/Notes.h'
--- src/Notes.h 2012-11-27 21:19:46 +0000
+++ src/Notes.h 2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -97,6 +97,18 @@
     void add(const String &noteKey, const String &noteValue);
+     * Adds a set of notes from another notes list to this set.
+     * Creating entries for any new keys needed.
+     * If the key name already exists in list, add the given value to its set 
of values.
+     *
+     * WARNING:
+     * The list entries are all of shared Pointer type. Altering the src 
object(s) after
+     * using this function will update both Notes lists. Likewise, altering 
+     * destination NotesList will affect any relevant copies of src still in 
+     */
+    void add(const Notes &src);
+    /**
      * Returns a pointer to an existing Note with given key name or nil.
     Note::Pointer find(const String &noteKey) const;
@@ -112,13 +124,24 @@
      * returns a pointer to the existing object.
     Note::Pointer add(const String &noteKey);
 class NotePairs : public HttpHeader
     NotePairs() : HttpHeader(hoNote) {}
+    /// convert a NotesList into a NotesPairs
+    /// appending to any existing entries already present
+    void append(const Notes::NotesList &src) {
+        for (Notes::NotesList::const_iterator m = src.begin(); m != src.end(); 
+            for (Note::Values::iterator v =(*m)->values.begin(); v != 
(*m)->values.end(); ++v)
+                putExt((*m)->key.termedBuf(), (*v)->value.termedBuf());
+    }
+    void append(const NotePairs *src) {
+        HttpHeader::append(dynamic_cast<const HttpHeader*>(src));
+    }

=== modified file 'src/client_side.cc'
--- src/client_side.cc  2012-11-08 10:49:58 +0000
+++ src/client_side.cc  2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -615,6 +615,8 @@
     aLogEntry->http.method = request->method;
     aLogEntry->http.version = request->http_ver;
     aLogEntry->hier = request->hier;
+    if (request->helperNotes)
+        aLogEntry->notes.append(request->helperNotes->notes);
     if (request->content_length > 0) // negative when no body or unknown length
         aLogEntry->cache.requestSize += request->content_length;
     aLogEntry->cache.extuser = request->extacl_user.termedBuf();

=== modified file 'src/client_side_request.cc'
--- src/client_side_request.cc  2012-11-08 08:49:33 +0000
+++ src/client_side_request.cc  2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
     http_access_done = false;
     redirect_done = false;
+    redirect_fail_count = 0;
     no_cache_done = false;
     interpreted_req_hdrs = false;
 #if USE_SSL
@@ -1203,57 +1204,104 @@
     assert(redirect_state == REDIRECT_PENDING);
     redirect_state = REDIRECT_DONE;
-    if (reply.other().hasContent()) {
-        /* 2012-06-28: This cast is due to urlParse() truncating too-long URLs 
-         * At this point altering the helper buffer in that way is not 
harmful, but annoying.
-         * When Bug 1961 is resolved and urlParse has a const API, this needs 
to die.
-         */
-        char * result = const_cast<char*>(reply.other().content());
-        http_status status = (http_status) atoi(result);
-        if (status == HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
-                || status == HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
-                || status == HTTP_SEE_OTHER
-                || status == HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT
-                || status == HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) {
-            char *t = NULL;
-            if ((t = strchr(result, ':')) != NULL) {
+    // copy the URL rewriter response Notes to the HTTP request for logging
+    // do it early to ensure that no matter what the outcome the notes are 
+    // TODO put them straight into the transaction state record (ALE?) 
+    if (!old_request->helperNotes)
+        old_request->helperNotes = new Notes;
+    old_request->helperNotes->add(reply.notes);
+    switch(reply.result) {
+    case HelperReply::Unknown:
+    case HelperReply::TT:
+        // Handler in redirect.cc should have already mapped Unknown
+        // IF it contained valid entry for the old URL-rewrite helper protocol
+        debugs(85, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: URL rewrite helper returned invalid 
result code. Wrong helper? " << reply);
+        break;
+    case HelperReply::BrokenHelper:
+        debugs(85, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: URL rewrite helper: " << reply << ", 
attempt #" << (redirect_fail_count+1) << " of 2");
+        if (redirect_fail_count < 2) { // XXX: make this configurable ?
+            ++redirect_fail_count;
+            // reset state flag to try redirector again from scratch.
+            redirect_done = false;
+        }
+        break;
+    case HelperReply::Error:
+        // no change to be done.
+        break;
+    case HelperReply::Okay: {
+        // #1: redirect with a specific status code    OK status=NNN url="..."
+        // #2: redirect with a default status code     OK url="..."
+        // #3: re-write the URL                        OK rewrite-url="..."
+        Note::Pointer statusNote = reply.notes.find("status");
+        Note::Pointer urlNote = reply.notes.find("url");
+        if (urlNote != NULL) {
+            // HTTP protocol redirect to be done.
+            // TODO: change default redirect status for appropriate requests
+            // Squid defaults to 302 status for now for better compatibility 
with old clients.
+            // HTTP/1.0 client should get 302 (HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY)
+            // HTTP/1.1 client contacting reverse-proxy should get 307 
+            // HTTP/1.1 client being diverted by forward-proxy should get 303 
+            http_status status = HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY;
+            if (statusNote != NULL) {
+                const char * result = statusNote->firstValue();
+                status = (http_status) atoi(result);
+            }
+            if (status == HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
+                    || status == HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
+                    || status == HTTP_SEE_OTHER
+                    || status == HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT
+                    || status == HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) {
                 http->redirect.status = status;
-                http->redirect.location = xstrdup(t + 1);
+                http->redirect.location = xstrdup(urlNote->firstValue());
                 // TODO: validate the URL produced here is RFC 2616 compliant 
absolute URI
             } else {
-                debugs(85, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: URL-rewrite produces invalid 
" << status << " redirect Location: " << result);
+                debugs(85, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: URL-rewrite produces invalid 
" << status << " redirect Location: " << urlNote->firstValue());
-        } else if (strcmp(result, http->uri)) {
-            // XXX: validate the URL properly *without* generating a whole new 
request object right here.
-            // XXX: the clone() should be done only AFTER we know the new URL 
is valid.
-            HttpRequest *new_request = old_request->clone();
-            if (urlParse(old_request->method, result, new_request)) {
-                debugs(61,2, HERE << "URL-rewriter diverts URL from " << 
urlCanonical(old_request) << " to " << urlCanonical(new_request));
-                // update the new request to flag the re-writing was done on it
-                new_request->flags.redirected = 1;
-                // unlink bodypipe from the old request. Not needed there any 
-                if (old_request->body_pipe != NULL) {
-                    old_request->body_pipe = NULL;
-                    debugs(61,2, HERE << "URL-rewriter diverts body_pipe " << 
new_request->body_pipe <<
-                           " from request " << old_request << " to " << 
+        } else {
+            // URL-rewrite wanted. Ew.
+            urlNote = reply.notes.find("rewrite-url");
+            // prevent broken helpers causing too much damage. If old URL == 
new URL skip the re-write.
+            if (urlNote != NULL && strcmp(urlNote->firstValue(), http->uri)) {
+                // XXX: validate the URL properly *without* generating a whole 
new request object right here.
+                // XXX: the clone() should be done only AFTER we know the new 
URL is valid.
+                HttpRequest *new_request = old_request->clone();
+                if (urlParse(old_request->method, 
const_cast<char*>(urlNote->firstValue()), new_request)) {
+                    debugs(61,2, HERE << "URL-rewriter diverts URL from " << 
urlCanonical(old_request) << " to " << urlCanonical(new_request));
+                    // update the new request to flag the re-writing was done 
on it
+                    new_request->flags.redirected = 1;
+                    // unlink bodypipe from the old request. Not needed there 
any longer.
+                    if (old_request->body_pipe != NULL) {
+                        old_request->body_pipe = NULL;
+                        debugs(61,2, HERE << "URL-rewriter diverts body_pipe " 
<< new_request->body_pipe <<
+                               " from request " << old_request << " to " << 
+                    }
+                    // update the current working ClientHttpRequest fields
+                    safe_free(http->uri);
+                    http->uri = xstrdup(urlCanonical(new_request));
+                    HTTPMSGUNLOCK(old_request);
+                    http->request = HTTPMSGLOCK(new_request);
+                } else {
+                    debugs(85, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: URL-rewrite produces 
invalid request: " <<
+                           old_request->method << " " << urlNote->firstValue() 
<< " " << old_request->http_ver);
+                    delete new_request;
-                // update the current working ClientHttpRequest fields
-                safe_free(http->uri);
-                http->uri = xstrdup(urlCanonical(new_request));
-                HTTPMSGUNLOCK(old_request);
-                http->request = HTTPMSGLOCK(new_request);
-            } else {
-                debugs(85, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: URL-rewrite produces invalid 
request: " <<
-                       old_request->method << " " << result << " " << 
-                delete new_request;
+    break;
+    }
     /* FIXME PIPELINE: This is innacurate during pipelining */

=== modified file 'src/redirect.cc'
--- src/redirect.cc     2012-11-27 21:19:46 +0000
+++ src/redirect.cc     2012-11-30 11:08:47 +0000
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
     redirectStateData *r = static_cast<redirectStateData *>(data);
     debugs(61, 5, HERE << "reply=" << reply);
-    // XXX: This funtion is now kept only to check for and display this 
garbage use-case
+    // XXX: This function is now kept only to check for and display the 
garbage use-case
+    // and to map the old helper response format(s) into new format result 
code and key=value pairs
     // it can be removed when the helpers are all updated to the normalized 
"OK/ERR kv-pairs" format
     if (reply.result == HelperReply::Unknown) {
@@ -99,6 +100,51 @@
             if (reply.other().hasContent() && *res == '\0')
                 reply.modifiableOther().clean(); // drop the whole buffer of 
+            // if we still have anything in other() after all that
+            // parse it into status=, url= and rewrite-url= keys
+            if (reply.other().hasContent()) {
+                /* 2012-06-28: This cast is due to urlParse() truncating 
too-long URLs itself.
+                 * At this point altering the helper buffer in that way is not 
harmful, but annoying.
+                 * When Bug 1961 is resolved and urlParse has a const API, 
this needs to die.
+                 */
+                const char * result = reply.other().content();
+                const http_status status = (http_status) atoi(result);
+                HelperReply newReply;
+                newReply.result = reply.result;
+                newReply.notes = reply.notes;
+                if (status == HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
+                        || status == HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
+                        || status == HTTP_SEE_OTHER
+                        || status == HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT
+                        || status == HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT) {
+                    if (const char *t = strchr(result, ':')) {
+                        char statusBuf[4];
+                        snprintf(statusBuf, sizeof(statusBuf),"%3u",status);
+                        newReply.notes.add("status", statusBuf);
+                        ++t;
+                        // TODO: validate the URL produced here is RFC 2616 
compliant URI
+                        newReply.notes.add("url", t);
+                    } else {
+                        debugs(85, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: URL-rewrite produces 
invalid " << status << " redirect Location: " << result);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // status code is not a redirect code (or does not exist)
+                    // treat as a re-write URL request
+                    // TODO: validate the URL produced here is RFC 2616 
compliant URI
+                    newReply.notes.add("rewrite-url", reply.other().content());
+                }
+                void *cbdata;
+                if (cbdataReferenceValidDone(r->data, &cbdata))
+                    r->handler(cbdata, newReply);
+                redirectStateFree(r);
+                return;
+            }

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