On 11/30/2012 04:49 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 25/11/2012 4:47 a.m., Tsantilas Christos wrote:
>>>>     acl aclname server_ssl_cert_fingerprint [-sha1] fingerprint1 ...

>>> * ACL name seems to be a bit on the long side. How about dropping the
>>> "ssl_" sub-section out of it and  changing "_fingerprint" to "_sha1"?
>>> ==> server_cert_sha1

>> This is not correct.
>> The -sha1 is an argument to specify the type of fingerprint. In the
>> future we may add the "-md5" argument to specify an server_cert_md5 acl.
>> I renamed the acl name to
>> server_cert_fingerprint [-sha1]

> Hmm. Okay. I was thinking we should have a different ACL for each
> fingerprint type, that would help prevent wrong fingerprints being
> entered. I'm not strongly for this though, so the above change is
> accptible.

I do not think we should have different ACLs for different fingerprint
types. The fingerprinting algorithm is just a parameter -- all other
aspects of the ACL remain the same. This is similar to having one ACL
for all HTTP response headers.

As for preventing typos, I do not see why accidentally typing "-sha1"
instead of "-md5" is somehow more likely than typing "_sha1" instead of

>>>   - In ACLCertificateData::parse() the message "required attribute
>>> argument missing" does not say anything useful for fixing the problem
>>> when it hits the logs. The other messages after are a bit more
>>> expressive, since they at least mention 'Acl' or what the attribute
>>> should be, but they all need a bit friendliness polish.
>>>    + something along the lines of "FATAL: Acl '"<< name? <<"' ..."
>> In logs someone will see something like:
>>   2012/11/24 17:38:10| FATAL: required attribute argument missing
>>   FATAL: Bungled squid-cert-validation.conf line 151: acl USERCERT user_cert
>> Will understand whe wrong syntax.
>> We do not have the ability inside ACLCertificateData to print acl name
>> or other informations.

> Administrators are commonly using automated tools now to grep for message 
> lines. And additionally I am hoping to remove the "bungled" completely from 
> Squid.

> I'm okay with defering this fix for later since it affects all ACLs.

Yes, we should use the existing interface until a new interface is
available. It is better to be consistent, especially if we care about
automated tools (that will grep for FATAL and see both messages BTW).

Thank you,


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