On 14/12/2013 6:59 a.m., Marcus Kool wrote:
> all,
> as discussed in a previous thread, the URL rewriter protocol of Squid
> 3.4 is different than with previous versions of Squid.
> Despite Amos' belief, I found out yesterday that there is no backward
> compatibility since a typical redirection URL is
> www.example.com/foo.cgi?category=adult&url=http://www.example.com/foo/bar
> and Squid 3.4 has a parser that splits tokens at '=' and then complains
> that it does not understand the answer of the URL redirector.

Ouch. Thank you for finding this one.

The fix appears to be limiting the character set we accept for key names
such that it does not match any valid URL. I have now applied a patch to
trunk as rev.13181 which limits characters in kv-pair key name to
alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore.


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