On 04/27/2014 10:02 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

> We should state the problem with idles clearly (yes it is difficult to
> word),

We already do that:

> +                     max-conn limit works poorly when there is a relatively
> +                     large number of idle persistent connections with the
> +                     peer because the limiting code does not know that
> +                     Squid can often reuse some of those idle connections.

Do you want us to add "This poor idle connection management is a
problem." sentence to the above?

> or we fix that problem (see below) and update the documentation

The change is not trivial, so I do not think we should be forced to do
that as a part of this project. There are many problems with idle
connections, and we are not making them worse by adding the standby
pools, quite the opposite. It feels like we are being penalized for
improving documentation of ancient problems.


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