I am playing with the idea of adding a new log file to record just the
connections handled by Squid (rather than the HTTP request/reply

This log would include connections opened but never used, port details,
connection lifetimes, re-use counts on persistent connections, SSL/TLS
presence/version (or not), and other connection details we find a need
for later.

The driver behind this is to help resolve a growing amount of user
queries regarding "happy eyeballs" idle connections and broken TLS
connections. We are also adding other potentially never-used connections
ourselves with the standby pools.

The Squid native access.log appears unsuitable for adjustment given its
widely used format and the number of details to be logged.

There is also a useful side effect of MasterXaction. At present the
TcpAcceptor generates a MasterXaction object to record initial
connection details for the handler, this creates a bit of complexity in
the recipient regarding whether the MasterXactino object applies to a
future HTTP request or one which is currently being parsed. This could
be simplified if the connection was a transaction and the HTTP requests
on it each a different transaction spawned from the connection
MasterXaction when parsing a new requst.


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