On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Fred Maranhão <fred.maran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just updated my squid in an debian stable box and after the update
> everything works fine. but I restart my squid and it not started.
> I detected a (very old) line in /etc/squid3/squid.conf with an error,
> but propably an warning till the last version and now an error.
> that was the old line:
> acl site_exemplo dst exemplo.com
> and even wrong, the squid worked normally.
> now I changed this to
> acl site_exemplo dstdomain exemplo.com
> and everything is ok. is this a bug?

You slightly changed the semantics of your configuration.

acl site_exemplo dst exemplo.com

This is is a per-destination-ip-address ACL: it would resolve
exemplo.com to its ip address, and then anything matching that
destination ip address would be a positive for that ACL, even if it
was www.exemplo.com or www.microsoft.com.

acl site_exemplo dstdomain exemplo.com

This is a per-destination-host-name ACL: it maches URLS which contain
_exactly_ "exemplo.com" as hostname part, for instance
http://exemplo.com/, http://exemplo.com/index.html and so on.
It will _not_ match www.exemplo.com, exemplo.com's IP address or
www.microsoft.com even if it is on the same IP address.

Only you can know what you want to achieve; please refer to the
documentation of the "acl" directive for further details and


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