On 10/14/2014 12:37 PM, Mirza Dedic wrote:
Just curious, what are some of you doing in your Squid environment as far as URL filtering goes? It seems there are a few options out there.. squidguard... dansguardian.. plain block lists.

What is the best practice to implement some sort of block list into squid? I've found urlblacklist.com that has a pretty good broken down URL block list by category, what would be the best way to go.. use dansguardian with this list or set it up in squid.conf as an "acl dstdomain" and feed in the block list file without calling an external helper application?


squid-users mailing list

We have used dansguardian before, but there is a newer updated "fork" by some of the original crew called "e2guardian" that can also handle some SSL urls via blacklisting (as long as squid is also setup with ssl-bump in 3.4.x). Otherwise within squid itself, the dstdomain and regex_dstdomain acls are an option, but that does not provide much for filtering content of the websites themselves.

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