On 18/05/15 08:55, Yan Seiner wrote:
The title says it all - is it possible to save the memory cache to
disk on reboot?
I reboot my systems weekly and I wonder if this would be any advantage.
Initially, let's say that a cache can ALWAYS be lost. Sometimes it
may not be desirable, but losing a cache must not create problems, the
cache will simply be repopulated again and no problems should occur.
Losing terabytes of cache is not be a good idea, as that amount of
data would take some days to be repopulated and thus, during that time,
you'll have bad hit ratios on your cache.
As you say you're using memory cache, i'll assume that you're
dealing with 16Gb or 32Gb of cache. We're not talking on terabytes,
we're talking on few gigabytes.
On that scenario, i would not worry about loosing it. Unless you're
serving just a few specific pages on that cache, which is not usually
the case, your hit ratio already shouldn't be too high, so loosing the
cache shouldn't be a problem, it will be populated again in few hours,
depending the number of clients and traffic generated by them.
And my only question here is: why rebooting weekly ? Assuming
you're running Linux or some Unix variant, that's absolutely unnecessary.
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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