On 24/08/2015 12:17 p.m., hs tan wrote:
> I have been trying to test squid but it doesn't seems to be working. The
> closest example I studied are:
> http://etutorials.org/Server+Administration/Squid.+The+definitive+guide/Chapter+12.+Authentication+Helpers/12.5+External+ACLs/
> http://www.stress-free.co.nz/transparent_squid_authentication_to_edirectory
> but none of it works.
> From the simple test, I did on the following:
> The print "ERR" supposed to have an out put at the cache.log, but I din't
> see anything appearing
> Neither I change the "ERR" nor "OK", there is no effect on the access.
> I just want a simple test, if set to print "ERR" then stop user to proceed,
> if "OK" then proceed.
> The error message in cache.log
> 2015/07/28 11:45:56 kid1| helperHandleRead: unexpected reply on channel 0
> from mysql_log #Hlpr17 ''

"on channel 0" means your Squid is using concurrency channels when
talking to this helper.

The helper protocol syntax is documented here:

** Be careful about emitting unnecessarys newlines. **


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