
I´m using squid (3.5.9) as transparent https proxy with build options (see 
below) and config (see below , I removed some uninteresting things from the 
config like caching).

To get the system more secure I would like to add crl checking (at the moment 
static , later maybe dynamic if it's possible with my skills :-) ) and ocsp 
(later) .
I´m using the site https://revoked.grc.com/ to test my config.
To do it I downloaded the certificate from the site , checked if a CRL URI is 
available and downloaded the crl.
Converted the format of the crl from DER to pem and inserted it my squid.conf  
"crlfile=/tmp/crl/glob.pem sslflags=VERIFY_CRL".

I tested the "crl.pem" with openssl and the site https://revoked.grc.com/  is 
revoked in the crl.

But why squid seems to ignore the crlfile option / file ? 
Also I tested to use the crl in DER format but it still wouldn’t work , even 
didn’t saw an error in the log when the file isn’t available.

2015/10/01 12:40:45.015 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1684) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->hostHeaderVerify()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.015 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1691) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.017 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1712) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->clientRedirectStart()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.018 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1720) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck2()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.018 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1739) doCallouts: 
Doing clientInterpretRequestHeaders()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.018 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1748) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->checkNoCache()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.018 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1528) sslBumpNeed: 
sslBump required: peek
2015/10/01 12:40:45.018 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1830) doCallouts: 
calling processRequest()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.025 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x80771c7b0 
104(6000, 0x7fffffffe51c)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.026 kid1| 83,5| client_side.cc(4267) 
clientPeekAndSpliceSSL: Start peek and splice on FD 10
2015/10/01 12:40:45.026 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 11 <= 11
2015/10/01 12:40:45.026 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(144) readAndBuffer: read 11 out of 
11 bytes
2015/10/01 12:40:45.026 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(148) readAndBuffer: recorded 11 
bytes of TLS client Hello
2015/10/01 12:40:45.026 kid1| 83,2| client_side.cc(4270) 
clientPeekAndSpliceSSL: SSL_accept failed.
<snipped more failed SSL_accepts >
2015/10/01 12:40:45.040 kid1| 83,5| client_side.cc(4267) 
clientPeekAndSpliceSSL: Start peek and splice on FD 10
2015/10/01 12:40:45.040 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 11 <= 11
2015/10/01 12:40:45.040 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(144) readAndBuffer: read 11 out of 
11 bytes
2015/10/01 12:40:45.040 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(148) readAndBuffer: recorded 11 
bytes of TLS client Hello
2015/10/01 12:40:45.041 kid1| 83,2| client_side.cc(4270) 
clientPeekAndSpliceSSL: SSL_accept failed.
2015/10/01 12:40:45.041 kid1| 83,5| client_side.cc(4284) 
clientPeekAndSpliceSSL: I got hello. Start forwarding the request!!!
2015/10/01 12:40:45.220 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x8077e5eb0 
104(6001, 0x7fffffffe4bc)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.220 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 15 wrote 357 <= 357
2015/10/01 12:40:45.220 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 7
2015/10/01 12:40:45.220 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 7 <= 7
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x8077e5eb0 
6(0, 0x8077e5f90)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1453 <= 4368
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 2915
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1460 <= 2915
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 1455
2015/10/01 12:40:45.408 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.586 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1455 <= 1455
2015/10/01 12:40:45.587 kid1| 83,5| support.cc(257) ssl_verify_cb: SSL 
Certificate signature OK: /C=US/OU=Domain Control Validated/CN=revoked.grc.com
2015/10/01 12:40:45.587 kid1| 83,5| support.cc(257) ssl_verify_cb: SSL 
Certificate signature OK: /C=US/OU=Domain Control Validated/CN=revoked.grc.com
2015/10/01 12:40:45.588 kid1| 83,5| support.cc(257) ssl_verify_cb: SSL 
Certificate signature OK: /C=US/OU=Domain Control Validated/CN=revoked.grc.com
2015/10/01 12:40:45.588 kid1| 83,4| support.cc(211) check_domain: Verifying 
server domain revoked.grc.com to certificate name/subjectAltName revoked.grc.com
2015/10/01 12:40:45.593 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 15 wrote 182 <= 182
2015/10/01 12:40:45.593 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x8077e5eb0 
11(0, 0x0)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.593 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.593 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1 <= 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 64 <= 64
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x8077e5eb0 
7(0, 0x8077e5f90)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| PeerConnector.cc(304) 
serverCertificateVerified: HTTPS server CN: revoked.grc.com bumped: 
local= remote= FD 15 flags=1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.781 kid1| 83,5| PeerConnector.cc(58) ~PeerConnector: Peer 
connector 0x807950f38 gone
2015/10/01 12:40:45.785 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x80771c7b0 
6(0, 0x8077e5d60)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.785 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 1590 <= 1590
2015/10/01 12:40:45.785 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x80771c7b0 
11(0, 0x0)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.785 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read -1 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.785 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.787 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.787 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 518 <= 518
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 1 <= 1
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 40 <= 40
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 51 <= 51
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x80771c7b0 
11(0, 0x0)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(576) squid_bio_ctrl: 0x80771c7b0 
7(0, 0x8077e5d60)
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| support.cc(1913) store_session_cb: Request 
to store SSL Session
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,5| support.cc(1935) store_session_cb: wrote an 
ssl session entry of size 135 at pos 132
2015/10/01 12:40:45.820 kid1| 83,2| client_side.cc(3796) clientNegotiateSSL: 
clientNegotiateSSL: New session 0x80789dd80 on FD 10 (
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,3| client_side.cc(3800) clientNegotiateSSL: 
clientNegotiateSSL: FD 10 negotiated cipher AES256-GCM-SHA384
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,5| client_side.cc(3816) clientNegotiateSSL: 
clientNegotiateSSL: FD 10 has no certificate.
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 103 <= 103
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,2| support.cc(1314) ssl_read_method: SSL FD 10 
is pending
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,4| support.cc(211) check_domain: Verifying 
server domain revoked.grc.com to certificate name/subjectAltName revoked.grc.com
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1684) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->hostHeaderVerify()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.821 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1691) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.822 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1712) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->clientRedirectStart()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.823 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1720) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck2()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.823 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1739) doCallouts: 
Doing clientInterpretRequestHeaders()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.823 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1748) doCallouts: 
Doing calloutContext->checkNoCache()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.823 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1830) doCallouts: 
calling processRequest()
2015/10/01 12:40:45.823 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 15 wrote 245 <= 245
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 2915 <= 11712
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 8797
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1460 <= 8797
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 7337
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1460 <= 7337
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1460 <= 5877
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 4417
2015/10/01 12:40:46.004 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:46.183 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 2920 <= 4417
2015/10/01 12:40:46.183 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read -1 <= 1497
2015/10/01 12:40:46.183 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(123) read: error: 35 ignored: 1
2015/10/01 12:40:46.183 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 1460 <= 1497
2015/10/01 12:40:46.183 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 15 read 37 <= 37
2015/10/01 12:40:46.243 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 347 <= 347
2015/10/01 12:40:46.243 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 4125 <= 4125
2015/10/01 12:40:46.243 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 4125 <= 4125
2015/10/01 12:40:46.243 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 3306 <= 3306
2015/10/01 12:40:46.248 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 5 <= 5
2015/10/01 12:40:46.248 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 10 read 26 <= 26
2015/10/01 12:40:46.248 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 10 wrote 31 <= 31
2015/10/01 12:40:46.249 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(95) write: FD 15 wrote 53 <= 53

http_port local.ip.adress:3128 ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on 
capath=/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/share/certs/ crlfile=/tmp/crl/glob.pem 

http_port intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on 
capath=/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/share/certs/ crlfile=/tmp/crl/glob.pem 

https_port intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on 
capath=/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/share/certs/ crlfile=/tmp/crl/glob.pem 

icp_port 0
dns_v4_first on
pid_filename /var/run/squid/squid.pid
cache_effective_user proxy
cache_effective_group proxy
error_default_language de-de
icon_directory /usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/etc/squid/icons
visible_hostname pfsense
cache_mgr ad...@pfsense-onesty.loc
access_log /var/squid/logs/access.log
cache_log /var/squid/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log none
netdb_filename /var/squid/logs/netdb.state
pinger_enable on
pinger_program /usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/libexec/squid/pinger
sslcrtd_program /usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/libexec/squid/ssl_crtd -s 
/var/squid/lib/ssl_db -M 4MB -b 2048
sslcrtd_children 5

logfile_rotate 7
debug_options rotate=7
shutdown_lifetime 3 seconds
acl localnet src  local.network.range
forwarded_for on
uri_whitespace strip

acl dynamic urlpath_regex cgi-bin ?
cache deny dynamic

acl allsrc src all
acl safeports port 21 70 80 210 280 443 488 563 591 631 777 901  3128 3127 
acl sslports port 443 563  

acl purge method PURGE
acl connect method CONNECT

acl HTTP proto HTTP
acl HTTPS proto HTTPS
acl allowed_subnets src local.network.range
acl whitelist dstdom_regex -i '/var/squid/acl/whitelist.acl'
http_access allow manager localhost

http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !safeports
http_access deny CONNECT !sslports

request_body_max_size 0 KB
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
delay_initial_bucket_level 100
delay_access 1 allow allsrc

always_direct allow whitelist
ssl_bump none whitelist
# Package Integration
url_rewrite_program /usr/pbi/squidguard-amd64/bin/squidGuard -c 
url_rewrite_bypass off
url_rewrite_children 16 startup=8 idle=4 concurrency=0

# Custom options before auth
#debug_options all,1 20,0 36,0 41,0 47,0 79,0 90,0 92,0
debug_options 83,6

acl step1 at_step SslBump1
acl step2 at_step SslBump2
acl step3 at_step SslBump3

acl bypass ssl::server_name .google.de .sparkasse.de .postbank.de
acl wupdate ssl::server_name .windowsupdate.com .microsoft.com

ssl_bump peek step1
ssl_bump peek bypass wupdate
ssl_bump splice bypass wupdate
ssl_bump bump all

sslproxy_cert_error allow wupdate
sslproxy_cert_error deny all

# Always allow access to whitelist domains
http_access allow whitelist
# Setup allowed acls
# Allow local network(s) on interface(s)
http_access allow allowed_subnets
http_access allow localnet
# Default block all to be sure
http_access deny allsrc

icap_enable on
icap_send_client_ip on
icap_send_client_username on
icap_client_username_encode off
icap_client_username_header X-Authenticated-User
icap_preview_enable on
icap_preview_size 1024

icap_service service_avi_req reqmod_precache icap://[::1]:1344/squid_clamav 
adaptation_access service_avi_req allow all
icap_service service_avi_resp respmod_precache icap://[::1]:1344/squid_clamav 
adaptation_access service_avi_resp allow all

#build options
configure options:  '--with-default-user=squid' 
'--libexecdir=/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/libexec/squid' '--localstatedir=/var' 
'--with-logdir=/var/squid/logs' '--with-pidfile=/var/run/squid/squid.pid' 
'--with-swapdir=/var/squid/cache' '--without-gnutls' '--enable-auth' 
'--enable-build-info' '--enable-loadable-modules' 
'--enable-removal-policies=lru heap' '--disable-epoll' 
'--disable-linux-netfilter' '--disable-linux-tproxy' '--disable-translation' 
'--disable-arch-native' '--enable-eui' '--enable-cache-digests' 
'--enable-delay-pools' '--enable-ecap' '--enable-esi' 
'--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for' '--enable-htcp' '--enable-icap-client' 
'--enable-icmp' '--disable-ident-lookups' '--enable-ipv6' '--disable-kqueue' 
'--with-large-files' '--enable-http-violations' '--without-nettle' 
'--enable-snmp' '--enable-ssl' '--enable-ssl-crtd' '--disable-stacktraces' 
'--disable-ipf-transparent' '--disable-ipfw-transparent' 
'--enable-pf-transparent' '--with-nat-devpf' '--disable-forw-via-db' 
'--enable-wccp' '--enable-wccpv2' '--with-mit-krb5=/usr/local' 
'CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include -O2 -pipe  -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include -fstack-protector 
-DLDAP_DEPRECATED -fno-strict-aliasing' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib 
-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib  -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector' 
'LIBS=-lkrb5 -lgssapi_krb5 ' 'KRB5CONFIG=/usr/local/bin/krb5-config' 
'--enable-auth-basic=DB SMB_LM MSNT-multi-domain NCSA PAM POP3 RADIUS fake 
getpwnam LDAP SASL SMB NIS' '--enable-auth-digest=file' 
'--enable-external-acl-helpers=file_userip time_quota unix_group LDAP_group 
wbinfo_group SQL_session kerberos_ldap_group' '--enable-auth-negotiate=kerberos 
wrapper' '--enable-auth-ntlm=fake smb_lm' '--enable-storeio=ufs aufs diskd 
rock' '--enable-disk-io=AIO Blocking IpcIo Mmapped DiskThreads DiskDaemon' 
'--enable-log-daemon-helpers=file' '--enable-url-rewrite-helpers=fake' 
'--enable-storeid-rewrite-helpers=file' '--with-openssl=/usr/local' 
'--prefix=/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local' '--mandir=/usr/pbi/squid-amd64/local/man' 
'--build=amd64-portbld-freebsd10.1' 'build_alias=amd64-portbld-freebsd10.1' 
'CC=cc' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include' 'CXX=c++' 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -pipe 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include 
-fstack-protector -DLDAP_DEPRECATED -fno-strict-aliasing ' 'CPP=cpp' 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

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